Rotary On Stamps Issues

Recent stamp issues honoring Rotary International for the last three years will be shown on this page.  The new issues fall into three catagories:

1.  Postal Authority Issues intended for postal use in the country.  These are legitimate issues printed under postal authority contracts which are valid for postage and normally distributed for general use at post offices.

2.  Undesirable Postal Issues intended primarily for sale to collectors.  These are issues printed under postal authority contracts and normally never distributed to post offices for general use.  They sometimes may include contracts which were signed by individuals who no longer remained in authority when the printing was completed and were rejected by the new authority.  They also may include issues authorized by groups which were contesting the ruling authority of that country and sometimes areas of countries which were in control of rival political factions other than those currently recognized to be in power.  These are frequently valid for postage, but not often seen in the mail stream.  The postal validity is also sometimes questioned.

3.  Labels or Illegal Issues are not valid for postage and often printed only for sale to collectors.  They are often issued with the name of actual existing countries or territorial areas.  These are sometimes called speculative issues and are nearly always issued for a popular topical theme or several themes on the same stamp or label.

4.   Recent allowance by postal authorities have permitted a variety of personalized stamps.  These are postally valid issues, but not generally available to the public.

Without passing judgement on any of the other issues, the New Issues to be shown on these pages are all only commonly believed to be from the Catagory # 1 above.

Only issues from the past 3 years will be shown on the website.

New Issues Pictures
Croatia issued preprinted postal card 5-17-2021
Australia issued 4-6-2021
Indonesia issued 11-24-2020
Colombia issued 12-10-2019
Dominican Republic issued 8-24-2019 (strip of 5)
Jersey issued 8-6-2019 (It is the low value of a set of 6 stamps)
Croatia issued 3-6-2019
Philippines issued 8-19-2018 single and souvenir sheet

Uruguay issued 8-20-2018